7.5-Minute Topoħ.5-Minute Topos closely resemble historical 7.5-minute USGS map products as well as US Topo maps. There are currently two OnDemand Topo Map Types available: The 7.5-Minute Topo and the 100K Topo.Ĭustom Extent 7.5-Minute Topo map created using the topoBuilder application in January 2023. OnDemand Topo contours and shaded relief are generated on the fly from the latest USGS elevation data, including high-quality lidar and IfSAR data acquired through the 3D Elevation Program. Users then simply enter a valid email address and a direct link to download their unique map will be delivered free of charge. Maps are often delivered within 24 hours but may take up to 5 business days.The Edit Layers capability lets users select which layers of The National Map they would like to be included in their custom map product.Users also have their choice of file format (georeferenced PDF or TIFF).OnDemand Topo maps do not need to align with the traditional USGS map grids so one map can cover an area that may have previously required up to four maps. Exclusive to topoBuilder is the ability to center maps anywhere * users choose.One Custom Extent OnDemand Topo (right) may cover an area that previously required up to four topo maps (left).